Saturday, November 05, 2005

The Characters - The Miscellaneous

Now along with the miscellaneous individuals found by myself to sign up. Most of these people are likely to be minor characters and used primarily to absorb bullets, but one or two (or three) may survive. . . we'll see.

The Misc
  • Reverend Armstrong - Yes, our very own R.G. Armsrong-type has agreed to sign on with our expedition, providing fire and brimstone, though he's a bit weaker - dare I say more effete? - than Dahlstrom was. "Any man with a just cause should travel with the word of God." - B
  • Sondra and Bill - A pair of *smooch smooch* lovers who have decided that both them will come along. When Sondra said, "Well, you go along with Lieutenant Brannin then. Well, you'll go along without me," Dundee almost wishes this were true. - C
  • Tom - A neurotic nutjob who goes along for fun and adventure. - C
  • Shumaker - Plans to bring down an Apache helicopter and blow the shit out of everyone. - C
  • Ashley, Nicole, Walker, Lennie, Shaulis, Nathan, Tristan, Daniel - misc. people who are - dare I say it? - expendable. - D


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